eGyanKosh: Experiments Study Material Free Download (IGNOU 2025)

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2017-04-19Experiment-16 To Study the Control and Safety Mountings of a Steam Boiler-
2017-04-19Experiment-15 Study of different Safety Measures to be adopted in a Dairy Plant-
2017-04-19Experiment-14 Starting of 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motors by Direct on line and Star-Data starter-
2017-04-19Experiment-13 To Study the Different Parts of Single-phase and Three Phase Induction Motors-
2017-04-19Experiment-12 Study of a Dairy Effluent Plant-
2017-03-19Experiment-11 Study the Constructional Details of Fire Tube and Water Tube Boilers-
2017-04-19Experiment-10 Study of Water Supply System and Water Softening Plant-
2017-04-19Experiment-9 Study Different Parts and learn the Operation of Plate Chiller and Bulk Milk Cooler-
2017-04-19Experiment-8 Study of Parts and Operation of a Cold Storage Plant and An Ice Bank Unit-
2017-04-19Experiment-7 Study of Refrigeration System: Compressor (Reciprocating), Condensers (Shell & Tube, Atmospheric) and Expansion Devices (Thermostatic) Expansion Valve/Capillary Tube)-
2017-04-19Experiment-6 To Study Different Types of Thermometers, Pressure Gauge and Flow Meters-
2017-04-19Experiment-5 Study and Sketch the details if Milk Tanker, Storage Tanks and Silos-
2017-04-19Experiment-4 Dismantling and Assembling of Milk Pumps-
2017-04-19Experiment-3 Study of Different Sanitary S.S. Pipes, Fittings and Gaskets-
2017-04-19Experiment-2 Study of Various Workshop Tools-
2017-04-19Experiment-1 To learn Elementary Layout Drawings of Utilities-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16


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