eGyanKosh: Block-1 Foundations of Positive Psychology Study Material Free Download (IGNOU 2025)

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2022Unit-5 Character Strengths and Virtues: Intrapersonal Strengths and Well-beingDevdutt, Janhavi
2022Unit-4 Character Strengths and Virtues: Interpersonal Strengths and Well-beingDevdutt, Janhavi
2022Unit-3 Eastern and Western Perspectives on Positive PsychologyMisra, Girishwar
2022Unit-2 Research Methods and Assessment in Positive PsychologyPatra, Swati
2022Unit-1 Introduction to Positive PsychologySalagame K., Kiran Kumar
2022Block-1 Foundations of Positive PsychologySalagame K., Kiran Kumar; Misra, Girishwar; Devdutt, Janhavi; Patra, Swati
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 6 of 6


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