P-01. Classical sociological theory Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 34
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
-M-07 Marx’s Conception of Society: Historical and Dialectical Materialism-
-M-02 Europe, enlightenment and the framing of sociological thought-
-M-01 Precursors of Modern European Sociology: The sociology of Ibn Khaldun-
-M-32 Durkheim-Contemporary Agrarian Crises and Suicides in India-
-M-35 Contrasting and comparing Marx, Weber and Durkheim- Part II-
-M-33 Feminist critique of Durkheim-
-M-11 Marx on India and Indian Marxists on caste-
-M-16 Latin American Interpretation of Marx: Jose Carlos Mariategui-
-M-19 Fundamentals Concepts of Sociology of Weber -Part III-
-M-13 Class and Informal sector, caste and production relations.-
-M-20 Methodology, science, values, objectivity and ideal types-
-M-18 Fundamentals Concepts of Sociology of Weber -Part II-
-M-17 Fundamentals Concepts of Sociology of Weber -Part I-
-M-14 Feminist critique of Marx-
-M-31 Durkheim-The Moral Education-
-M-25 Caste class and power; Jainism, Marwaris and entrepreneurship- Part II-
-M-27 Durkheim-Division of labor, social solidarity and social change-
-M-21 Weber’s Conception of History: Rationality and Disenchantment-
-M-28 Durkheim-On the Sociological Method.-
-M-03 The Positivism of Saint Simon and August Comte-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 34


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