eGyanKosh: Experiments : Dairy Management and Entrepreneurship Study Material Free Download (IGNOU 2025)

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2017-04-20Experiment-15 Electrical load estimation of a dairy plant-
2017-04-20Experiment-14 Refrigeration load estimation of a dairy plant-
2017-04-20Experiment-13 Steam load estimation of a dairy plant-
2017-04-20Experiment-12 Preparation of check-list for evaluation of performance of a dairy Plant-
2017-04-20Experiment-11 Study of storekeeping practices, inventory control and maintenance of various records-
2017-04-20Experiment-10 Preparation of check-list of problems in procurement and distribution of milk-
2017-04-20Experiment-9 Assessment of strengths and weaknesses of milk and milk product marketing-
2017-04-20Experiment-8 Preparation of a project report to set up a small dairy plant-
2017-04-20Experiment-7 Identification of entrepreneurial skills-
2017-04-20Experiment-6 Preparation of ledger, trial balance and balance sheet of DCS-
2017-04-20Experiment-5 Designing of milk collection route-
2017-04-20Experiment-4 Calculation of milk payment based on fat and two-axis pricing policy-
2017-04-20Experiment-3 Study of working of a cooperative society-
2017-04-20Experiment-2 Identification of parameters for production efficiency-
2017-04-20Experiment-1 Identification of Sources for milk losses during processing of milk and preparation of milk products-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15


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